Saturday, January 30, 2010

I Push. I Pull

I push. I pull.

I push. I pull.
I grab. I swing.

My mind becomes overloaded with information, emotion, hurt, confusion.

I fall, I get up.
I fall, I get up.
I fall, I get up once more.

I create a foundation to hold me fast, so strong, I myself cannot move.
Caught up in the past, trying to let go.
My heart so desperate for the love yet
It contradicts itself, trying to push love away.

I push. I pull.
I grab. I swing.

My whole being overwhelmed with the love I hold for you in my heart.
How I love each thought, each word, each curve, each shared moment.
Yes, I want to share this journey with you.
And I want to share it with you to its full potential.
What I could miss if I did not, so I must tear down these defenses.

I push. I pull.
I grab. I swing.
I give in.
I give in to love.
I give in to you.
I give myself to the journey.
I give myself to you.

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